09.05.2020 22:55
Sport strategic planning in Latvia
Summary: strategic planning is a structured complex of the aims, tasks and activities together with the model, how to realize them. In 2004 the Cabinet of Ministers ratified Basic Statement for Sport Policy in the period from 2004 to 2009, and on the basis of it was worked out the National Program for Sport development in the period from 2006 to 2012; these documents characterize strategic sport planning of the state of Latvia.
Strategy is a structured complex of the aims, tasks and activities together with the model, how to realize them.
The process of strategic planning can be characterized as consisting of three large stages:
1) The formulation of strategy;
2) The realization of strategy;
3) The evaluation of the results and their control.
The stage of strategy formulation forms the basis for strategic planning;
therefore all following activities depend on the results of the first stage. The process of strategy formulation consists of the following parts:
1. The analysis of present and future situation, finding out expectations of the society, the evaluation of the perspectives of the development and possible threats;
2. The formulation of vision;
3. The defining of the priorities;
4. The defining of the tasks.
Latvian Cabinet of Ministers on 09.10.2001 ratified Basic Statement for Policy Planning, in accordance with which was carried out strategic planning of Latvian sport. This document distinguishes the following policy planning documents:
• basic statement;
• program;
• plan;
• conception.
Strategic planning of Latvian sport can be characterized with the help of two documents: basic statement and program. The realization of Latvian sport strategic planning can be analyzed in three stages.
Stage 1: the formulation of the strategy.
Although the Law of Sport was confirmed in 2002, first sport policy planning document „Basic Statement for Sport Policy in the period from 2004 to 2009‖ Latvian Cabinet of Ministers confirmed on September 15 with The Regulation Nr. 632. This document was worked out to determine long-term aims and main directions of activity in the policy of the sphere of sport, form united state policy in the sphere of sport, put in order planning system in the state, making it more effective and strengthening connection with the planning of state budget, as well as form more effective system of reports, evaluating policy.
Stage 2: the implementation of the strategy.
1. To carry out activities, defined in „Basic Statement for Sport Policy in the period from 2004 to 2009‖, Latvian Cabinet of Ministers on October 31, 2006 with The Regulation Nr.838 ratified –National Program for Sport development in the period from 2006 to 2012‖. The Program includes:
1. Most essential indicators for the characterization of the fulfillment of the Program, indicating the number per year:
• The number of people, involved in physical activities;
• The number of prepared high class sportspersons;
• Built and renovated sport objects;
• The number of people with invalidity involved in sport, who have reached
highly valuable results.
2. Main tasks for reaching the results of the Program.
Stage 3: the evaluation and control of the result.
The analysis of strategic planning in Latvian sport policy was complicated due to the fact that no institution – either governmental or non-governmental – performs recording and analysis of the indicators of „National Program for Sport development in the period from 2006 to 2012‖.
The conclusions:
1. Sport development strategy has been formulated in accordance with internationally recognized principles and norms‖.
2. In total the realization of the strategy is moving the outlined direction.
3. The state does not secure the evaluation and control of the results.
The list of literature.
1. Homepage of „Latvian Sport Federations‖: www.lsfp.lv, accessed: 15.10.2010.
2. Informative statement „Intermediary Informative Statement about the Fulfillment of the Program for National Sport Development in 2006 – 2012‖, the Ministry of Education and Research, 09.07.2009.
3. Krūmiņa A., Rutkaste U. Strategic planning in Latvia. The development of the science of management in Latvia at present and in the future: scientific articles (in Latvian), LU 2001.
4. Homepage of Latvian State Central Statistical Bureau: www.csb.gov.lv, accessed: 10.10.2010.
5. Leiks N. Stratēģiskā plānošana (Strategic planning). Rīga, Multineo, 2007.
6. „National Program for Sport development in the period from 2006 to 2012‖ (The Regulation of Latvian Cabinet of Ministers Nr.838 from October 31, 2006).
7. Basic Statement for Policy Planning (Latvian Cabinet of Ministers in October 9, 2001, not in force).
8. Basic Statement for Sport Policy in the period from 2004 to 2009 (The Regulation of Latvian Cabinet of Ministers Nr. 632 from September 15, 2004).
Опубликовано 09.05.2020 22:55 | Просмотров: 1021 | Блог » RSS |