13.05.2020 16:47

Some sociopedagogical questions of the preparation of sports translators

Some sociopedagogical questions of the preparation of sports translators

Key words: sports translator, sociolinguistic competence, sociological interrogation.
Nowadays the inquiry of a society in the translators who professionally know sports has increased. It is connected with the advent of ample opportunities of direct dialogue of sports teams with foreign colleagues at the international competitions and trainings.

According to the results of our sociological interrogation 95 % of respondents (teachers of Moscow State Academy of Physical Culture, coaches, sportsmen who have the titles of the Candidate of Master of sports and the Master of sports in different kinds of sports) consider expedient presence of the sport translator in sport teams, more than 70 % support the integration of professional and translational education.

One of the basic purposes of the preparation of sports translators in sport higher schools is the formation of sociolinguistic competence as ability to use and transform language forms according to the situation Strategy of educational system on considered theme consists in searching of the methods which intensify the process of teaching foreign language, the receptions which are stirring up activity of students at the lessons, means of perfection of speech preparation of the future translators in the field of physical education and sports, in carrying out culturological, regional geographic and bilingual complex lessons for the purpose of expansion of an outlook, erudition and intellectual knowledge of the future translators.

Teaching tactic is the formation of study - informative motives of the students studying at the program of additional professional education with assignment of qualification «The translator in sphere of professional communications». During ancient times the rudiments of –elite knowledge‖ (measurement of fields, a prediction of flooding of the rivers, the treatment, the organization and carrying out of sport meets, studying of foreign languages, translation) dominating groups concentrated in their hands and did –elite knowledge‖ their privilege. The practical importance of considered work consists that the results of research have direct applied value for perfection of professional preparation of specialists in physical education and sports sphere.

We had been carried pedagogical supervision which was based on the background test which was done by 197 1st year students in the Moscow State Academy of Physical Education. The following results were received:
The respondents %
1. who have positive marks on test 31%
2. admit that knowledge of foreign language in sport is necessary 99%
3. go to English classes for:
a. to receive knowledge 53%
b. to avoid conflict with deans 17%
c. because sympathize with teachers 17%

Background test represents more than 57 % of all 1st year students representative statistical sample and underlines low level of readiness on a lexical and grammatical material. Only one-third of students if they put maximum of efforts during studying foreign language could fix and improve their school knowledge and probably will choose translation activity. The others 70 % will be required huge own efforts, and also professionalism of teachers to motivate studying foreign language and introductions of new pedagogical teaching technologies.

To follow the purpose of the research lexical - grammatical practical works «Winter Olympic Games and winter sports» (in English) and ―Sports in English speaking countries‖ (in English) were written by us for the introduction of methods of professional teaching of foreign language and professional translation in sport higher schools. In this process of methodical work is not preserved only the structural (traditional) approach of teaching, i.e. mastering by grammatical and lexical systems of language, but also there is a purpose on practical mastering of foreign languages and art of translate with ability to communicate, adequately to express own thoughts and to understand the interlocutor in a real situation.

The literature
1. Perepelkina N.V. Formation of readiness for use of a foreign language in the course of preparation of the specialist in physical education. Author's abstract, St.-Petersburg. State Academy of Physical culture of P.F.Lesgaft St.-Petersburg, 1997. 17p.
2. Udalova M. Ju. Pedagogical conditions of perfection of professionally focused teaching of foreign language of masters of higher schools of sports. Author's abstract. RSUPCST Moscow 2002, 22p.
3. Schneider N.A. Features of an English pronunciation and reading rule in English, МSAPC Malakhovka 2002.222p.

Glembotskaja J.

Some sociopedagogical questions of the preparation of sports translators

Опубликовано 13.05.2020 16:47 | Просмотров: 789 | Блог » RSS